Who We Are
We are dog loving people! Our love of our AKC Airedales began with the love of dogs and wanting to be able to raise a large breed dog family that others could enjoy. We enjoy our dogs and making memories with our children, and grandchildren as we grow through life together. The first airedale that I met was in 2014 while I was working as a nurse practitioner one of my co-workers came into the office with his airedale--his dog "Bell" lit up the room! She came right up to me and begged for me to pet her--she was so well socialized and obedient--I said to myself, "I've got to have one of those pups." The search and plan began! My spouse Nick came right along with me to start our adventure. Within a year I had my first two females: Smarta & Tink. Then came Galaxy 6 months later. When the 3 were about a year Chaos our sire came into our family. Now, we grow, live, work and play together--Making it possible for people like you to enjoy this remarkable breed. Welcome to the adventure! May your airedale adventure begin with one of ours!
---Sheri Tharp |
We offer to be purchased 3 - AKC litters per year.
Tink is the Alpha Female