Meet the Parents
We have 3 breeding females: Tink, Smarta, Gidget. Galaxy is retired (2023). Tink will have one more litter spring 2024.
Chaos - breeding male.
He weighs about 67#. 27" at the withers. He is lean and very muscular. His disposition is playful, energetic, loves his treats and something to chew on.
He weighs about 67#. 27" at the withers. He is lean and very muscular. His disposition is playful, energetic, loves his treats and something to chew on.
Taz- breeding male.
He weighs about 50#. 24" at the withers--lean and muscular. His disposition is gentle, compliant loves to romp and play.
He weighs about 50#. 24" at the withers--lean and muscular. His disposition is gentle, compliant loves to romp and play.

All of our airedales are indoor / outdoor house broken dogs.
They respond to about 15 commands and are obedient trained.
Activities: they love car rides, boat riding, walking in
our farm's fields and playing together.